Monday, June 1, 2009

Movie Review: UP

Hello. My name is Doug. Do you have a tail? Do you wag it? Hey, where are you going? Do I ever so want the ball! Oh boy! Oh boy! I'll go get the ball and bring it back. Hi there!

I loved the movie about me. And I have a team that has a shame cone! My master was training me tricks, which I already know. The best thing about the movie was we got to see some babies. Russell named a bird Kevin and it was a girl. I pretty much met Mr. Frankincense. You know, that old man? He did not know that I had a collar that could make me talk. Is there more words on this? That movie was very very long. I had to get my fur taped. Well, my leader dog had a funny voice. It was so funny I could laugh! And I think I got dog biscuits. I was in the movie too! Will you come with me to the movie theater? And I love that movie! Do you actually have a tail?


The Little Author - Abraham said...


I am a boy who just learned how to blog,please feel free to visit and please do leave a comment.

Irene said...

Cute! I saw the movie too.My dad likes saying " WE will love you temporarily" From the movie

Irene said...

also, how are you doing?